GWS Offshore

Worldwide Offshore Company Formation and Offshore Banking service provider based in Liechtenstein. Call - +423 384 5080

Setting Up a Limited Company Overseas in the Shortest Time

An investor or an entrepreneur always looks for professional help while setting up a business or a company overseas, and there are reputable consulting agencies which provide extensive support. With their team of legal advisors, banking experts, risk assessors and tax consultants, they help an investor start an offshore venture in a jurisdiction of his/her choice in the shortest possible time. And for this, they only charge a ‘one time’ business establishment fee.


Today, a lot of modern-day entrepreneurs are thinking about investing in a company overseas, especially in a Tax Free Zone. Their sole intention is to earn 100% income without any tax deductions. And the special economic zones around the world offer them the best tax concessions when it comes to setting up an offshore venture for the first time. Some of the most popular Free Trade jurisdictions are Panama, Belize, RAK, Seychelles, Gibraltar, Cyprus, etc. which are the favourite among international investors. This is a trending phenomenon among all new-age investors.

Exclusive Trade Free Zones Offering Big Tax Concessions

Around the globe, some of the most popular jurisdictions are offering mouthwatering tax sops and rebates, and this is exploited well by international investors. They go about starting new shops in offshore destinations, and get 100% tax concessions. And their effort is well supported and assisted by some of the leading consulting firms, which help in the formation of an offshore company with minimum hassles and bottlenecks. The professionals of one such agency look after all the paperwork and documentation required for setting up a company in a matter of 5-6 working days. They assist you in selecting the type of business to form and a jurisdiction which has a perfect tax regime in-place. So, it is now all the more easier to sail through the process of offshore company registration when there are experts to assist. With their team of seasoned, knowledgeable and experienced professionals, they help an investor get along with the process of overseas company formation with ease. Therefore, it is well worth taking their help in realizing your long-term revenue goals.